Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 2 (and morning Day 3)

Well, no aliens in Roswell - it poured rain so maybe that kept them away:)

We made it through New Mexico - FINALLY! Took forever - if any of you have driven North to South (or vice versa) through Georgia - you kind of get the idea - a whole lot of nothing.

The Boys were even unimpressed:

We did have a little excitement as we approached Albuquerque. As we looked off to the North of the Interstate, we could see a pretty big storm brewing over the mountains and from that we saw what appeared to be a tornado!! We weren't going through Kansas!!
Made it into Colorado - Durango is a beautiful city - the Home Depot and Walmart looked like a log cabin! Unfortunately, no pics of the city - the Chief Photographer also serves as the Navigator and the Driver needed her to keep an eye on where we needed to turn. We did get a picture of something you don't see in Texas everyday though:
An Elk Crossing Sign! Unfortunately (or not?), we did not see any elk today though.

We passed by Mesa Verde National Park and took a couple pics - never knew this was a National Park - the mesa was visible from the rest area we stopped at:

We made it into Utah around dusk so a lot of the good stuff wasn't visible. We managed to get this one picture of a big rock somewhere around Canyonlands National Park:

Finally made it to the RV park in Green River, Utah around 9:30 (local time). This was a long day - we left Roswell this morning at around 9:00 and while we made quite a few stops to get gas and let the Boys out, we are happy that today was our longest travel day of the trip. It wasn't real fun to set up in the dark!

This morning, we are headed up through the rest of Utah, through Salt Lake City and then into Idaho and hopefully, the western edge of Oregon, although, we may end up staying the night in Idaho instead since there aren't any campgrounds on the Oregon side - we're going to call and see about a reservation in a little while. Then tomorrow, we should make it to the Oregon Coast (!!) and can rest and relax a few days.

Total Miles Today: 623
Total Miles to Go:  1072.5 - Over half way there!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics already ~ I'm enjoying the scenery without having to spend as much time behind the windshield! Please don't "unfriend" me after that comment!! LOL ;) Thanks for sharing ~ you gals are making great progress!!
