Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 3 - Almost there!

Left this morning from Green River, Utah - noted that we really didn't miss anything coming in the dark last night - really nothing to look at and kind of smelled like sulfur. We initially thought it was The Boys but when it didn't go away after rolling down the windows (and actually seemed to get worse!) we figured it was something in the air.

Here's a sample of what we didn't miss in the dark:

We went through a pretty neat canyon before we hit Salt Lake City later in the day though - interesting driving with the Toad. Julz has driven in the mountains before but never with an extra 7000 pounds pushing the Big Nasty along:

Made it through Salt Lake City without too much trouble - traffic wasn't bad but we hit there around noon so missed rush hour. There was a bit of construction and narrow lanes but we made it through without clipping anyone. We did see a small part of the the Great Salt Lake but wasn't able to get a good pic.

Entered Idaho not too far after Salt Lake City - quite a bit of agriculture up this way. Lots of hay was being grown - kind of strange to see fields of brown grass and then all of sudden, see these lush hay fields:

We made pretty good time through Idaho but did see the evidence of some previous wildfires that burned the area - think it was good that we weren't a bit earlier as it was pretty evident the interstate would have been closed as the fires crossed over:

We did cross the Snake River which was much wider than we thought it was. We had white-water rafted the Snake when we were kids with our parents but it was in Wyoming and the river had a lot more white-water and was narrower - it looked pretty docile from our view in Idaho:

We finally hit Boise around 6:00:

We ended up not going all the way to Oregon today like we had originally planned. We were intending to "boondock" at a Love's truck stop in Ontario, Oregon but the temperature today was in the mid-90s and it would have been much too hot to try to sleep in the Toad without the air on. We were able to find an RV park in Caldwell, Idaho, which is about 30 miles from the Oregon border. We are now in the Toad with the air running and the Boys are sacked out.

Tomorrow, we should make it to the Coast!

Total Miles Today: 550
Total Miles to Go: 522.5

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