Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday, Monday

Rainy days and Mondays....... I know, seems to be a recurring theme.  Actually not so much raining today as just heavy mist and fog from the ocean.  This was the view from the balcony this morning.

While having lunch at Mo's down on the Bayfront (their famous clam chowder, of course!), we watched the seagulls and pelicans waiting for any scraps they could pick up from the incoming fishing boats.  The sea lions and seals were also cruising the bay and following the boats in.

We also got a very unexpected surprise--the sun.  Or, at least a glimpse of it through the clouds but at least we know it does still exist.
After lunch,  we headed to the aquarium.  First stop was the sea otter exhibit.  How cute are they!!!  And , flexible.  This one spent much of the time grooming every inch of himself.  They have 4 otters but this is the only one who would sit still long enough for a photo.
Next was the aviary--

Last was all the fish and water exhibits--

After the aquarium we headed back south to get a closer look at several places we had passed on our drive Sunday.  The first stop was at Devil's Churn.  Watching the waves crash into the gash in the rocks, it was easy to see how it got its name.

The scenery away from the ocean was quite breathtaking also.
Even though it was not actually raining, water clung to everything and we had to dodge water bombs falling from the trees on the way back up the trail.

The moisture also makes the perfect environment for some rather large mushrooms.
Our next stop was at Cape Perpetua.  We couldn't see much from the viewpoint at the top due to the amount of fog but got some good pics along the way up.  There were small waterfalls all along the roadway and even when you couldn't see the water, if you listened you could hear it running through the leaves.

We headed back north to another area called Otter Crest.  One thing Oregon knows how to do is build very cool bridges.  They are like functional works of art and just add to the scenery instead of being an eyesore.
We stopped at Cape Foulweather but got no pics there.  The fog was so heavy you could not see anything.

The last stop for the day was at the Devil's Punchbowl.  We have never been able to see this on previous trips.  Normally the parking lot is completely full and there are lots of people.  Today we pretty much had the area to ourselves.  No wonder this place is so popular, this structure has to be pretty spectacular when the tide is in.  Unfortunately, it was out while we were there and only a few of the larger waves were making it into the interior of the bowl.

A heavy fog began to roll back in so we headed back to Newport for the evening but not before getting a few more pics of the local scenery silhouetted in the mist.  I just love the visual effect of this.

One last shot I wanted before heading back to the hotel was to see the Newport Bridge lit up for the night.  Didn't come out too bad if I do say so myself.
Tomorrow we head inland... Hopefully the weather will lighten up a little.

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