Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday - From the Coast to the Mountains

This was our last morning on the coast.......As you can see nothing much has changed.  If you look closely you can just make out the lighthouse light in the middle of the picture.
From Newport, we headed inland to Hood River via a scenic but not so direct route.  Even though it was still wet heading towards Corvallis, the fall foliage was impressive.

As we came into Albany there were huge flocks of geese flying.  I'm including a pic.  Look closely about halfway up the picture--all the little black specks in the sky--those are geese. 

As we continued inland on Hwy 20 we revisited some of Julz' favorite stretches of road from our earlier adventure with the camp trailer.  A picture may be worth a 1000 words but these do not even begin to tell the story of driving down this road with over 7000 lbs of camp trailer pushing you.  Thankfully this time we were going uphill but it's still a thrill ride.

It started clearing some as we continued inland.  We stopped at the Hackleman Old Growth forest again but did not hike at all.  Just took a few pics and headed on down the road.

Along the way we saw the signs have been posted for the snow zones and chain-up areas.  The road crews have put up the marker poles along the roads to guide the snow plows.  The poles in the first pic are about 8-10 feet tall.  The ones in the second pic are about 15 feet tall.  The car coming around the curve gives a little perspective.  Can you imagine driving through snow like that?? 

We pulled off to get a cloudy view of Mt. Washington and got an unexpected treat.  A view of a beautiful blue mountain lake.  Think this may be the end of Suttle lake.

We also got another unexpected surprise today......Blue Sky!!
 Some of the areas along Hwy 20 been ravaged pretty badly by fire as you can see.
We stopped in Sisters for lunch at Three Creeks Brewing.  What a cool little town.  Very rustic.  Our initial plan today was to go through Bend and then swing up to Hood River but the trip was taking longer than expected so we cut over through Redmond instead.  It seems to be a very farm/ranch oriented type of area with lots of livestock and some frisky horses.

 Heading north on Hwy 26 we went through the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. 

There had been a large fire on the reservation earlier this year and it looks like there may still be some fires burning there.

We finally got a glimpse of Mt Hood but that was all it was...a glimpse.  All that was visible was just a small amount of the base.  Hopefully things will clear out a little later in the week.  It would be such a shame to come all this way and not be able to see one of our favorite sights.
Plans for tomorrow---who knows?????  Have to wait to see what the weather looks like.

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